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Benjamin Eccleston is currently a writer of fantasy and science fiction. His background is in psychology and biomedicine, with postgraduate training in the scientific research sector. He has primarily worked in research analytical roles, BI and Data Management.

He writes on themes that are rooted in the scientific community, developing technology, and cultural aspects of mythology that are applied to modern times.

Areas of interest are cognitive and human enhancement, eugenics and genetic manipulation, biohacking, and emerging technology. Mythology and religious documentation that play a pivotal role in cultural identities are the inspiration for a lot of his work.


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Ben has always written, since a young age. This year, he has refined and organised the work he has been doing into the culmination of a number of books, which are in the final stages of the editorial process. The therapeutic value of the culmination of a book, crafting characters and delivering a story that people will enjoy is the primary factor in his motivation for writing. He enjoys developing plots and characters, often basing themes of science and technology on his writing. In addition, he loved myths and legends and typically likes to write about modern takes on themes that have been integral parts of cultures all over the world. Storytelling is and always has been an important part of human life. It has often been underappreciated for many eras of history. Yet, the tales and literature are all that remain for cultural documentation that was not appreciated at the time they were recorded. The writer has been immortalised in their own desired form.


He is interested in many scientific disciplines, namely: quantum neurology, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, evolutionary biology, biohacking, and human enhancement and augmentation. These are topics he often includes as part of the themes and plots of his writing. Mythology and cultural tales are also a massive influence on his writing. Typically, the greats: greek tales and well-known legends, the Roman tales and godly characters and their metaphorical place in the culture and people. Ancient Egypt, Persian and Asian tales and haikus.

In addition to this, he loves to read on many varied topics. Typically, he reads and makes notes on at least one book a week. The BLOG section may contain critical analysis articles of some of the books that he has enjoyed. This will come in due course, as will a blog post every week. Subscribe

He has had some minor success with the publication of some short stories under a pen name. At any given time, he has various submissions of book proposals to publishing houses. The main work of this year (2024) is the release of two novels. See the ‘BOOKS’ page for details on these. Hopefully, the hard work will translate into reader satisfaction which is the primary goal. The satisfaction that he has gained from reading, throughout his life, will hopefully be something other's gain.

Education & Employment:

Benjamin Eccleston has a background education in psychology and biomedical science at Lancaster University (BSc Honours). Following this, he studied postgraduate at the University of Manchester with dual supervisors: the Head of the Faculty of Medicine and the Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience. His academic research focused on cognitive enhancement and improving various aspects of human mentality. He is trained in scientific research, working with animals, and the methods and applications of lab work.

A number of Research Analyst roles, working as a consultant, dominated his early career. Since then, he has worked in a variety of industries: the events industry (Events Coordinator), Business (Business Intelligence Analyst) with the most recent experience being in Data Management.


Personal Attributes:


I am currently releasing regular articles on Medium. I usually try to write informative pieces that aid everyday life. It is a great platform to communicate and read interesting content. I often use academic papers and the findings, shaping them into a simple form, so that empirical intelligence can be used by mass society.


I read a lot. Really ...it's like an amount that concerned my family. I usually get through one novel a week. Sometimes more. Additionally, I read online articles from other Medium users and other content. I find reading an escape from reality.Well... only if it's a good book. I like losing myself in a quality book. It is this quality that I aim to replicate in my own work. I want to provide a book that people can sink into and enjoy.


When I get the time, I enjoy exploring my creative side. I draw and paint. I have a storeroom filled with canvases that I've painted. I began to sell them online. However, it is a really hard thing to sell, surprisingly. Those who buy are part of the artist community and industry contacts, etc. My background could not be more different. 



Since the start of this year, as I watched the fireworks over the town, I made a new-year resolution. I was in hospital at the time, and the view was amazing. I lay in my bed, surrounded by 4 or 5 notebooks. I had recovered from my minor ailment and was ready to take on the world. Resolutions are known for not being followed. I suppose my notion was more of an epiphany. I wanted to do something simple, change my perception, and instead of thinking of doing things, I do them.

I do so much writing. I always have. My new goal was to be productive. To add some order to my writing and make it suitable for developing a readership. 

Since then, I have two books that are in the final stages of the editorial process. My life has more of a 'do' attitude to the decisions of the day. I don't know why this goal stuck and aided my development. Maybe it was because I was alone, in the hospital bed, as the world celebrated and new year. 

I regularly write on Medium, which gets some interest in addition to payment. I also update this website's blog: 'BE Blog'.

I am excited to have a physical copy, in my hand, of Prey to the Tide. It's an exciting process.

I have also begun work on a non-fiction book. A self-help guide and life-enhancement-themed book. I am collecting a lot of research and papers on relevant topics. My aim is to provide a simple and genuine aid to the reader.


Each day, I meditate. I don't follow any guide; I just do it my way...with knowledge from some classes many years ago. Usually in the morning and then at night. Before and after sleep. It's my 'thinking time'. I also practice mindfulness. I need to start some form of cardio... I'll likely start jogging.



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